12 October 2007

It's the water

Table Mountain flowers (9) by Mark CT
It's always a bit of a shock when it really starts to rain again. After a few months of summer the mind rebells at the concept of precipitation. You can tell who's a gardener today: everyone else is frowning.

Anyway, the first rains here mean springtime in the Southern hemisphere. There are many ways to suffer vicariously through the cruelest antipodean month; start with a flickr search for Table Mountain.

Table Mountain Stream by Modest Al
Among other things, that search revealed the awesome picture to the right, which finally explains the mythically paradoxical "free-draining and moisture retentive soil" that they always tell us about. Also, the secret of success with Disa among other plants.

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Blogger chuck b. said...

Too funny. I'm always ready to hear experts discourse on the benefits of well-drained, moisture-retentive soil. That's been a little pleasure of mine for quite awhile now.

10/12/2007 3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you know, all you need is a sphagnum-filled crevice on the vertical face of a waterfall. Also, pH should be around 4.5-5, k?

I was saddened to learn, while researching this entry, that Olympia beer is no more.

10/12/2007 11:45 PM  

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